Friday, February 25, 2011


I knew nothing about Marocco at the time. It was all about having fun. Disconnecting with my-reality. I remerber all too much my state of mind.  Desperately, I was seeking  just to feel among the living.

Sight-seeing has it's  purpose, but I needed much more emotion. Honestly, I felt deprived. My thing is letting myself penetrate what man hasn't modified for tourisme. Insight of humain expression; the people, children, elderly, family-life and so on....
Naively, I got a thrill taking risks and just  following my vibe...

I accepted an invitation to visit the country landscape...
We were 4-hours from Agadir  when we encountered  mechanical problems. The weather was extremely hot. There was only one option; my friend was to hitch-a-ride with another biker to the village. I was to stay behind; they'ed later come for me.

Surprisingly, two boys about 7-of-age were also by the side-of-the-road. My friend exchanged a couple of words with the children, but I couldn't comprehend.

Hours had past and I started to feel maybe I should take action. What if nobody came for me? The only view I had was a narrow out-of-nowhere trail and trees. Eventuelly, I planned to hitch a ride.... Heading my way was a banged-up truck. I counldn't believe it but the children were still following me, distracting my chances for requesting HELP. Thats when I started to be aware I wasn't feeling my vibe. I was numb.

My instinct said run.. As if my body was a GPS....I spotted a stream...and maybe a chance to find HELP! Teenage-boys were fooling around in the water. Hysterically, I accelerated in thier direction. Yelling and screaming, the children fingered-indecent obscene hand-language to me. Intending vulgar-sex-behavior from the teenagers. I wanted the kids away from me. At this point I was crying, on my knees in the water. The children sprinkled water on me and tied a wet scarf around my neck. I was exhausted from crying. I closed my eyes....I guess, this is where I surrendered!

What were these kids trying to conquer? Now they were rubbing some leafy-branch to my face. Spontanously driven again I ran...As if out of no-where, stood an elderly. He was wearing a dirty worn-out gown. He was barefoot. I knew he didn't understand a word I was blurting, but I believe he felt my distress. I recall his baby-blue eyes. My perception was, though he had no facial expression, his eyes could see inside me. He exchanged a glance towards the children. I was crying intensively....I felt the elderly's hand on my shoulder....I could hear myself breath.

What? ...A car? Furiously and regardless of approval....I took place in the back-seat behind the driver. I directed verbale threats towards the 2 men in the front seat. No-way was I to be defeated....I was on survivor-mode. Through the driver's seat open window protrude's the elderly's upper body. Absent of a blink-of-the-eye and expression, he made eye contact with the 2 men.....and then eye contact with me. I think he made a slight nod....anyways thats the vibe I felt.

Further that evening, my girlfriend explained the signification of the branch in my back-bag. It was THYME: a cultural-symbol of PROTECTION.
Hmm....the children? .....the old man?.....the car?                  

true-story, spring 1994, I was 27yrs-old.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Lorsque L'AME se sent capable
                          ...IL se permet!

L'ETRE explore et experience les sensations de L'INCONSCIENCE.
everything and then...again-nothing.

Parait qu'on vit seulement une fois!
Vous n'en saviez rien...
Alors pourquoi la honte?

...Inner et Acquise.

L'EMOTION...alors quoi-que plus palpable en MOTS.?..!..#
                                                          ...non pas de # telephonique.
                                                 address postale.


C'est la communication entre L'AME et L'ETRE.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


En 1990, apres avoir donner naissante a ma vie a bascule.
A l'epoque j'avais 21ans.

Je venais d'etre recu projet-de-vie par choix.
J'avais reussi d'attiendre un ojectif cher a mes yeux.
...pourtant j'avais un mal-de-vivre...

Combiens de fois les gens mon dit;
Tes trops sensitives...
C'est hormonales....

Est-ce un experinece a la hauteur de sa valeur juste?

Certain dirait;

On se rappel que les choses negatifs...
...le negatif est-il plus fort que le positif?

Sommes nous en presence de preuve?

Preuves...mes yeux ne voyait que cela;
Le Pere Noel n'existait pas... n'avaitait pas De Prince Charmant.

J'ai toujours interpreter ceci  comme une Trahissions:
mais en faite c'est une Protection!


Quelle facon concret la vie te consciousalise les lecons de vie.

Ha les hommes...tellement incompris par las femmes...
Pourquoi vous croyiez?

Je generalise?
J'espere avec tout mon coeur...

C'est cette concept de merde que le peuple a adopte...
ou bien je suis despasse!

Alley c'est le coutume de 2011...
une facon de survivre...
une facon d'etre percu comme toute le monde.

Mais a quelle moment j'ai cesse de jouiez cette game?

Entre NOIR et BLANC... il ya GRIS n:est pas?

Tout est relatif....
c'est seulement mon opinion!