Friday, June 3, 2011

Perverted Thoughts.

We say ''yes'' when We mean ''no''.
Is that what I haven't gotten....Yet?
Or maybe I have.... And the Others haven't!

It's possible?
Yeap... There's possibilities.

Feel like stomping my-feet on the hard-wood-floor.
An animated-Western-tune playing on the juke-box.
Very exhausting...otherwise, boring-to-death!

It's My thoughts right Now.
Lately...all-to-often too.

The BLACK-and-WHITE photograph of-the-same-image.
Just another expression!
The in-between GRAY!
Nor-black and nor-white.

''Can you ''feel'' what I'm saying?''
I'm not talking about depression or an-illness.
You know...The week's Wednesday...or Walmart stores!
The reality...that's all.
Not the same as yesterday...
Most-surely, different tommorrow.

(it's as if you can almost taste-it..)

Unfortunately, I'm sorry...
But thank-you anyways just for trying to understand.
                                                   ....or maybe You-do?