Monday, January 31, 2011


I believe it all has to do with how
much you want something.
Just how much you want to
canalize something.

Since we are The Most Evolved
Living Species....we have the ability to emprove, make choices...
How do you want to be forseen?

I've come to be satisfied of My journey.

At one moment...I thought I hadn't

So......So fucking what?
My life isn't by The Book;

Nope...don't have the 4 sided brick home,
Nor.... the white picket fence,
Ok...I do have the flowered garden though!
Nope...the 3 kids with consecutive ages,
Nope...don't have 2 cars of the year,
Nor the husband...
Nor the stable boyfriend,
.....who full of bullshit whisper's...
I lOVE YOU.....just before hanging up the phone.

The Full-of-Shit Perfect couple....wouldn't you admit?

Rarely observed...
I have experienced though!
So engaged passionate bonding
does exsiste?!?!

But it appears unconscientiously,
...maybe it will never manifest 
itself in one's-life,.

You know something about me?
I've been there ...Fucking sad....
Being there almost killed me.
I felt I just died...
I lost ME...I lost my SOUL
I was a dead humain living being....
I thought that was what life was.
My Life Sentence.

It took me years to get where I am now.
...some would think I was a selfess spoided
...just not capble of appreciating
 this perfect happiness of a life.

I've come to be able to seme my own garden...
To live the life that makes ME vibe....
I am canalizing this vibe in the best way I can.

Why...?....because I made a choice too...
That's Why!


L'illusion de la liberte.
Est-ce que c'est si excictant?
Touche par un niveau de douleur....

S'accorde une faveur extremement speciale.
Queques choses de l'au-dela!

Je suis coutume de vivre a l'extremite.
Ressentir une passion proche de la folie...
                                  ...une grandeur veritable de quelques choses
                                  ...d'une sincerite bouleversante.
                                  ...avec foi en soi.
Souvent j'ai ressenti les souffances de telles sentiments.

Malheureusement c'est mon souffle....
                               c'est mon drive...
                               c'est mon capacite pour moi de lacher prise.

Mysterieux ..hmmmm

L'intensite sur moment est d'une richesse!
Oui aussi d'un extreme laideur pour un cerveau rationelle...
                                                                                        .... j'avoue!!!!!

Il faut prendre tout simplement ses lecons de vie.....
Mysterieux, Grave, Grandiose, Beau,
Le chemins vers la lumiere, Franc, Magnifique,
Une gymnastique, Vibrant, Clair et Transparante,
Intrigue, Une folle intensite, Without any Doubt,
Une veritable ouvriere de Beaute, D'un immensite,
Something with SHARED-TRUST and CARING for
each other......

Je recherche ceci en Amour.... serait aussi mon meilleur AMI!!!!!

C'est le success pour un vie de couple heureux je crois......  

Comment ca va?....Bien et Toi?

AUTOMATISME...On ne peut etre plus superfielle...Comment ca va?
Oui Toi...Comment ca va merde?

Je me suis rendue a Haiti la semaine passer. Lorsque tes yeux on vu Haiti..C'est triste!  Merde on est en 2011. Quebec-Haiti est envirnon 4hrs!

Tu sais les reproches que nous faissons a notre semblables....le mensoge...le trahissons...le manque de respect et de n'a pas d'importance en faite....

Regarde plus encore plus loin.   Il faut regarder les gens qui on su nous ATTIENDRE par leurs ATTIDUDES....

 Qui ont su toucher notre AME....

Friday, January 7, 2011


I'm goig on 43 this year!
Take out the cake and let's have a party
                                   (no didn't think so either....)

What is it that I'm not understanding?
I consider myself intelligent and open-minded
With the capablite to learn.

Then WHY?...
Maybe cause of stubbornness....
Maybe cause of resistance.

Who can you confide to?
Who do you look straight in the eye when
you can't anknowlegde or maybe don't
even have the ability to anknowlegde facts.

Everyone is busy existing in thier own storyline... their own fantasy script. their own drama world. their own LA-LA-BYE

That's all it is you know....
A nice to the ears LA-LA-BYE to help you fall asleep...