Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Making Of An Empire

That mega-Empire just so happens to
 be The Me, Myself, and I.
You'd think I'd get a trill dramatizing
 my emotions in profound sorrow.
Acting-out like a big-baby in words.
But honestly, depression hurts.
For many years, 
I was a lost-Soul with no-where to go.
Writing simply-described what made me feel
so wobbly and out-of-balance.
It was no-way an accident that I was
to-be-on such a bumpy-road in this life-time.
I don't cry as much anymore.
Maybe because, 
I've learned to put words on my sufferings.
The message to re-focus my direction.
Guess I'm growing-up.
I strongly-need somekinda philosophical-reasoning to all this.
So I juggled life's-challenges one-by-one
and gotta to know myself better.
Over-n-over again,
relationships were eating me-up inside-n-out.
Why wasn't it working for me?
A symptom of depression is solitude,
I understood I needed alone-time.
Like two-was-a-crowd!
No-interruptions to the conversations in my head.
I understanding takes-off alot of guilt.
Mega-to-defining my destiny.
Writing was the coming together of everything I am,
and everything I want to be.
                               And that's O.K. too!

p.s.  Forty-something is maybe less about PROJECTS,
        and more about PASSIONS! 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Couple-of-Milligrams of Dopamine and A Hand-full of Serotonin

Dopamine?   Serotonin?
Research has conceived!
Yeap...HAPPY-PILL ingredients.

Don't act so shy...Are-you beneficiary and ashamed?
Then shame-on you...

Only 40-to-55% of the country's population 
have the HAPPY-gene at birth.
What about the rest of us?  Well, we just have to learn.
And it's through our emotions
that we will do so.

So take-out your surf-board because
it's a bumpy-journey!
And like I mentioned;  we're not all granted
the HAPPY-proof packaged-deal to start-off with.

You'll be tossed around brutally.
"Past" has brought you to shore.
But it's too hard to keep up...exhausting striving to appear-normal?
What if others were to notice....Now that would be The Worst!

Life hasn't treated you always nicely.
But you did a good-job hanging-in-there.

Take your medication as recommended by you doctor.
Go with the flow.
You can only maintain balance if your in motion.

The HAPPY-PILL will only help you stay in the game. say ""
and smile for the camera!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Perverted Thoughts.

We say ''yes'' when We mean ''no''.
Is that what I haven't gotten....Yet?
Or maybe I have.... And the Others haven't!

It's possible?
Yeap... There's possibilities.

Feel like stomping my-feet on the hard-wood-floor.
An animated-Western-tune playing on the juke-box.
Very exhausting...otherwise, boring-to-death!

It's My thoughts right Now.
Lately...all-to-often too.

The BLACK-and-WHITE photograph of-the-same-image.
Just another expression!
The in-between GRAY!
Nor-black and nor-white.

''Can you ''feel'' what I'm saying?''
I'm not talking about depression or an-illness.
You know...The week's Wednesday...or Walmart stores!
The reality...that's all.
Not the same as yesterday...
Most-surely, different tommorrow.

(it's as if you can almost taste-it..)

Unfortunately, I'm sorry...
But thank-you anyways just for trying to understand.
                                                   ....or maybe You-do?

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I clutch my sheets tightly to my chin.
Growling anxiously;
''I don't want to get up!''

Everyday I preferred to huddle in my blankets.
Lids-shut not to eye-witness day-light.

It's those brutal Demons again.
Knocking and knocking every darn night.
Vibration like noisy-thunder to my body!

Days-up and days-down,
Desperately I question it's necessity?

I've discovered that my brain could be my true enemy!
To my ear-drums only to sting me like a bubble-bee.

And ''OUCH'' again for those tears that began
with a whisper of-some-sort.
Painful and torturous to my thoughts.

Suddenly, one day when life knocks you down,
you land on your back instead of your head!
Eye-balls half popped-out,
you'll see that fade-light.
It's not as dark anymore.

Oh, my Angels must be near-by.
I can hear a murmur...

That there isn't any big secret in life.
Heaven-and-Earth aren't mine.
And be-that-as it may.....
Things will continue to come crashing-down!
Whether I like it or not!


To consider that there still is alot
of learning to do....
And that till my last breath!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Who cares what was said out-loud last night!
Did anybody take the time to listen?
Did anybody even care?

But if the words you said had a significance on One's feelings or emotions

If  ''posts'' of   NURSALICIOUS   mean nothing to you,
then its just words on a white page.
The most profound moments can be a challenge to describe.
Shaping-an-image with precise words.. Kinda like drawing a picture!

Writing  NURSA-and-LICIOUS ...I have nothing to prove!
Only an eye-wink of my personality...White-or-black, rarely grey.
Smashing antagonisms may I add!
The hero of my blog trives to find words towards the path of awareness.
For words reveal plenty on One's beliefs and thoughts. 
Wouldn't you get up and run if you recognized you weren't
where your suppose to be?
Hero states there's nothing to fear if your telling yourself the truth.
Seems so incoherant in my world.
Then again...Is living fiction a lie?
Didn't think so either!

( author and hero  of the blog! )  


Friday, April 29, 2011

Change Jobs, Change Cars, Even Go Trade Your Soulmate....But You Can't Trade-In 'YOU'

''YES''  I have an urge to throw in my towel.  Both hands in the air, waving a little white-flag!
Life has blessed me more then my share. has also smacked me in the face.  
Emotionaly wounded and ashamed.  
 Life-lessons?   Whatever that's expected to mean!

 I give outsiders the perception of living hale and hearty. 
Fully-human!  Fully-awake!  And, of course...   Fully-Alive!  
Come-on now,  ''Really?''   We're working more hours. We're getting less sleep.  Plus we're experiencing bizarre aches and pains!  
Body's way of saying...Oups!   ''Don't forget to take care of yourself.'' 
Your nerves give-in.  You can't tolerate your environment anymore.


An astonishing  FACT is 70% of our total-energy ...IS emotional fuel!   Bet you didn't know that!
We care for our bodies, but we're lousy taking care of our Souls.   Should for some reason we lack energy, even our dreams can't survive. Unlike physical-energy, which runs down-hill as we get older..BUT..  emotional-energy is expected to increase with the years since we have a better comprehension of ourselves.

Emotions are just  momentary-seconds.
Our moods can last for days.
And, our temperament forges itself over time.
See why its powerful to take care of what we feel following an event.  We pratice this tool at work.
Especially following a difficult intervention.  It's hard to keep balanced and healthy in this modern world...even for the fittest!

Everyone needs to believe the future holds something better.  Even if you can't see the other-side.
Until you are on stronger-grounds and feel a little more healthy.. Build from baby-steps! 

Before you know it, you will have stumbled upon what it takes to wake-up
in the morning and realize your ''THRILLED TO BE ALIVE! ''

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Have you dropped the keys?
Then break-out of you handcuffs!
You know the signes to avoid;
Fantasy-world is only an image. 
Often practiced among couples 
in addictive relationships.
To omit, since unhealthy and 
sometimes against our values.
Leaving only unworthiness.

But... What if he's all that, and I still
lack trust in him... What then?
Then move straight through the front door and
it doesn't matter if it slams shut on your way out.

I know I make it hard to love me.
I want something "normal"
compatible to my "crazy" life-style.

Recognize dishonesty as a big No-No.
If not-the-worst of all.
Either this person doesn't know he has done wrong,
or he doesn't care.
I don't know which is worst?
Your not getting any younger!
It's your destination, nothing wrong being bold.

Now, take off those childish-toy handcuffs!
No reason to fear your demons anymore.
Your WINGS-R2-FLY freely...

Let me know when you get there!

How will I know I'm there?

When your HEART feels pleasure...
                                      you'll have arrived.    

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wisely Weed Your Garden.

Fertilize and cultivate?  Gardening...of course!
I love passionately this activity for many, many reasons.
I don't even mind forking over the money either!
 WHY?  Because I get a ''High'' euphoria-sensation.
It's all about the pay-off in the end.
Always has been about seeking-comfort.
No doubt that there's a medical-theory out there  
already explaining the process.
(First)  To care with water and shineshine after
seeding ...bla-bla-bla
(Secondly)  Taking into consideration 
simply because of arousal and curiousity.
What if someone of a Higher-Power plants 
an idea or a thought in your head?
Kinda-like; images insisting and 
invading your mind. 
Comparable to a Law-of-Intuition ?
Without no-doubt, scientifically already established.
That's not what being among the living is...
No, because that's not even...Living!
If that was the case,  ''It's a flee for survival.''
Therefore, Man-Kind is in trouble ?.?
I admit turning my head from opportunities
and tossing it aside without regards.
Would something have bloosomed?
But, we won't know...Will-we?
Next time an opportunity passes your way,
CHILL-OUT  a while...
There's always time later to weed your garden
of the undesired-growths!

photo by;  Wings-R2-Fly
Just pop-ups from what seems like no-where?
It's vital, that perhaps next time, you,ll be Wiser!
By the way,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

La Chute De L'Innonence

photo by   Wings-R2-Fly
Tristan-R-Fly est un garcon nee un jour d'ete. L'Autre cote de la ville suit la naissance de Justine2-Wings.
Les annees passent. Voila deja la premiere journee d'ecole. Ils se font connaissance. La gene fait place aux jeux. Taquineries et amusements quotidiens. L'Amitie s'installe. 
 Les annees ne cesse de passer. Ils grandissent. Les amusements du jeux prendent une nouvelle significatif. Reorganisation; la vie s'en charge! Au courant du printemps, un exchange de regard s'enflamme. L'Innonence s'engage vers l'inconnu. Ils ne connaissent pas les regles du jeux. Wings-R2-Fly; c'etait l'amour!
Maintenant, devenuent des adults trop vite!
Ils chantent...mais plus la meme chanson. Un est le feu qui brule et l'autre les flammes qui le nourrit. Avec le temps il ne reste plus que les cendres de leurs innonences.
Ils tombent....
Pourquoi une chute de si haut?
Et l'amour dans tout ca?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tell Everyone; Might Not Be Coming Home.

There's places I rather not wander off too.
The matter is viscously deep to even imagine crossing over.
It's not that I choose the journey of least resistance.  Where do I stand?
I can't just lay-low; I'll sink in the mud!

So, maybe I should believe what's written in the books.
Someone will make it all O.K.
What am I suppose to do?  ..afraid to make the wrong choice?
Staying ''put'' is one option; tempting to cross-over is another.
But this isn't fair, either way I have no guarantees.

I may never find my way back home.
Hey...does anybody hear me?  ...heearr mee.  Echos back.
I'm aware nobody can hear.    No one is even listening! 
Shut-up and save your breath.  Life has never left me empty handed.
I'm lacking inspiration. I'm lacking determination.

What is it that you need on the other side?  What's that important? 
I've failed many.... Deception; I'm past.  Me seems somewhat intact!
Independently doing and making my own choices!   Seeking freedom in all the ways that matters.
The impossibility to cross-over takes nothing of that away.  I wouldn't have wanted it to.

No moving truck required.
Your data is up to date.

Psychology means soul knowledge.
Our culture believes in healing the body.
Behind the healthy body..... lies The Soul.

I still don't know where to stand? 
Odd that I ask myself that question;
       ...I'm really engaged just trying to find a home right now!


Friday, March 25, 2011

Poupee Barbie & Ken; Vendues Separement.

photo by; Wings-R2-Fly

Une veritable tradition de fashion-fab
associer a l'image glamour, couples top-modele, blond-yeux bleu a faire scintiller!

Phenominale!  Inspiration destine pour la generation suivante. L'ironie de remodeler et recreer a-dormir-debout.

Secourer la baguette; 2...Ba-Ba...Boom!!!
Voici...  et Voila!!!  Barbie&Ken.

Il etait une fois...
  ...Il y a longtemps..

La Deesse d'Amour & Le Prince Charmant. 
Barbie-doll;   Voluptueuse Sexe-Symbol.
Ken;   Homme Stereotype, Hero et Guerrier.
Irrealiste.?. j'avoue.!. Soupconneuse.!
L'Influence phenominal de l'influx fictif.
Image soumis?  Image macho?
Fantasmes ...

Fabriquer et vendu dans les Magasins de Grande-Surface. 
Clientes-cible;  Fillette 3ans.
                              ...forever and ever after.



Sunday, March 20, 2011

Presumption Regarding Princesses And Castles? Damn-You For Daring!

My dialogue about man-kind appears censoriously harsh.
Hey...I agree.
Maybe I should feel sorry?
Don't believe there's a Soul suffering lack of sleep.
Wasn't maliciously intended.
When you look in the mirror, who do you see?
Well, I see Me...seeking my best.
Must I smile, imitating non-existent desire?
''Pay-off '' is the final-result.
What's the mirrored-image showing you now?
Sinners by fault,we aren't always disposed to be nice.

Raw-masculin;  Spit it out like it feels / Say it as it is.
Another place and time...till then...Au Revoir!
Empathy and compassion requires at the least acute sensitivity.
Coping with spurt harassment-vs-adopting anti-social behavior.

Long-long time ago, the doors of a magnificent Castle
opened to the public.
Portrait;  A Princess smiling. Successfully at ease.

Imagine, to possede what most fantasize!
Mega-big if Life permits the experience.
Therefore; Something that special, must be worthy and praised.
The thrill of stimulating excitement!
Emotional response to a vibratory impulse.
Hopefully, we come to terms, admit avoiding-exposure to Society's top-success recommendations.

The death-penalty?
Racialisticly....Demode for this century!
Granted, I'm proud for what I have accomplished.  
Floundering free-loads of interests and thoughts.
Humane-liberty. I Bless the road-path of my journey.
May I try a step outside my comfort-zone?
Assume, once-and-for-all...Facts-vs-oppurtunities!

Human's have the liberty to conclure elements left incompleted.
Shall it be for the sake of his free-will to continue among the ''living''. Empowered to conceive that choice with-or-without

Friday, March 18, 2011

Warning...Sunglasses Recommended

No more assumption: The Humain Species prone a concept around l.o.v.e. Maybe it's an empowerment stut or a publicity-Ad.

ONE wonder's;  Good entertainment as-long-as it lasts!
Isn't it necessairy we endure hand-down experience?

Concept states;  Love is the summum; full success, full sunshine.
Just principals established on firm basis.


The concept's fine-print underlines the possibility of a
      Vaccine:  #l.o.v.e/svp.ur.ok.
We pratice what we believe. No shame.
Continuance Humain-Existing.

Emotionally enchanting. Optically attractive.
Wings R2 Fly free-willed; exposing abundantly to life's ecstasies.

The Science of psycho....
The brains mecanismes to emotional break-down.
One's open wound can be reconciled.....anti-depressants, substance abus?

Existence of just standing is to honor.
To love and then lose...Better then nothing at all?...Not too sure!

Please, may it also be exhibited publicly;
2 love the 1 u'll never lose  U   :)

Coming soon in a store near you;  Vacinnation: immunity/Soul-vs-love.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Road-Trip Story/ Past-Present-Future.

What about You know what I mean; gift-ed present-tence! My DNA genetic code surely was editted precisely for my existence. Ouf...mental-emotional disturbance....maybe just Man's assimilation to dirty reality? I ask...  Why do we value redundantly objects? 
Worst...What has the capability to influence  Man's reaction to one-of-many stimulus? Humains don't have Wings. I distinguishly feel disgusted with most humain-interactions... but we aren't Evil either. What happened? Relativistically Man questions the urge to re-act to the stimulus omitting awareness. Fact is; awareness is a symptom of failing...perhaps values intercepts Man's-flesh like a tatoo.  You know that's something about me...all-the-way or not-a-thing! So while the chapters of my story carry's out....My eyes wide & open so my Soul can see curiously aiming a Master's to understand what I haven't yet understood.

Tomorrow I'll get up and sadly endure another day....
Am-I selfish or is this survival?
Baby what's wrong with ME? 

"Nothing is wrong with you....  YOU were born this way!"

Friday, February 25, 2011


I knew nothing about Marocco at the time. It was all about having fun. Disconnecting with my-reality. I remerber all too much my state of mind.  Desperately, I was seeking  just to feel among the living.

Sight-seeing has it's  purpose, but I needed much more emotion. Honestly, I felt deprived. My thing is letting myself penetrate what man hasn't modified for tourisme. Insight of humain expression; the people, children, elderly, family-life and so on....
Naively, I got a thrill taking risks and just  following my vibe...

I accepted an invitation to visit the country landscape...
We were 4-hours from Agadir  when we encountered  mechanical problems. The weather was extremely hot. There was only one option; my friend was to hitch-a-ride with another biker to the village. I was to stay behind; they'ed later come for me.

Surprisingly, two boys about 7-of-age were also by the side-of-the-road. My friend exchanged a couple of words with the children, but I couldn't comprehend.

Hours had past and I started to feel maybe I should take action. What if nobody came for me? The only view I had was a narrow out-of-nowhere trail and trees. Eventuelly, I planned to hitch a ride.... Heading my way was a banged-up truck. I counldn't believe it but the children were still following me, distracting my chances for requesting HELP. Thats when I started to be aware I wasn't feeling my vibe. I was numb.

My instinct said run.. As if my body was a GPS....I spotted a stream...and maybe a chance to find HELP! Teenage-boys were fooling around in the water. Hysterically, I accelerated in thier direction. Yelling and screaming, the children fingered-indecent obscene hand-language to me. Intending vulgar-sex-behavior from the teenagers. I wanted the kids away from me. At this point I was crying, on my knees in the water. The children sprinkled water on me and tied a wet scarf around my neck. I was exhausted from crying. I closed my eyes....I guess, this is where I surrendered!

What were these kids trying to conquer? Now they were rubbing some leafy-branch to my face. Spontanously driven again I ran...As if out of no-where, stood an elderly. He was wearing a dirty worn-out gown. He was barefoot. I knew he didn't understand a word I was blurting, but I believe he felt my distress. I recall his baby-blue eyes. My perception was, though he had no facial expression, his eyes could see inside me. He exchanged a glance towards the children. I was crying intensively....I felt the elderly's hand on my shoulder....I could hear myself breath.

What? ...A car? Furiously and regardless of approval....I took place in the back-seat behind the driver. I directed verbale threats towards the 2 men in the front seat. No-way was I to be defeated....I was on survivor-mode. Through the driver's seat open window protrude's the elderly's upper body. Absent of a blink-of-the-eye and expression, he made eye contact with the 2 men.....and then eye contact with me. I think he made a slight nod....anyways thats the vibe I felt.

Further that evening, my girlfriend explained the signification of the branch in my back-bag. It was THYME: a cultural-symbol of PROTECTION.
Hmm....the children? .....the old man?.....the car?                  

true-story, spring 1994, I was 27yrs-old.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Lorsque L'AME se sent capable
                          ...IL se permet!

L'ETRE explore et experience les sensations de L'INCONSCIENCE.
everything and then...again-nothing.

Parait qu'on vit seulement une fois!
Vous n'en saviez rien...
Alors pourquoi la honte?

...Inner et Acquise.

L'EMOTION...alors quoi-que plus palpable en MOTS.?..!..#
                                                          ...non pas de # telephonique.
                                                 address postale.


C'est la communication entre L'AME et L'ETRE.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


En 1990, apres avoir donner naissante a ma vie a bascule.
A l'epoque j'avais 21ans.

Je venais d'etre recu projet-de-vie par choix.
J'avais reussi d'attiendre un ojectif cher a mes yeux.
...pourtant j'avais un mal-de-vivre...

Combiens de fois les gens mon dit;
Tes trops sensitives...
C'est hormonales....

Est-ce un experinece a la hauteur de sa valeur juste?

Certain dirait;

On se rappel que les choses negatifs...
...le negatif est-il plus fort que le positif?

Sommes nous en presence de preuve?

Preuves...mes yeux ne voyait que cela;
Le Pere Noel n'existait pas... n'avaitait pas De Prince Charmant.

J'ai toujours interpreter ceci  comme une Trahissions:
mais en faite c'est une Protection!


Quelle facon concret la vie te consciousalise les lecons de vie.

Ha les hommes...tellement incompris par las femmes...
Pourquoi vous croyiez?

Je generalise?
J'espere avec tout mon coeur...

C'est cette concept de merde que le peuple a adopte...
ou bien je suis despasse!

Alley c'est le coutume de 2011...
une facon de survivre...
une facon d'etre percu comme toute le monde.

Mais a quelle moment j'ai cesse de jouiez cette game?

Entre NOIR et BLANC... il ya GRIS n:est pas?

Tout est relatif....
c'est seulement mon opinion!

Monday, January 31, 2011


I believe it all has to do with how
much you want something.
Just how much you want to
canalize something.

Since we are The Most Evolved
Living Species....we have the ability to emprove, make choices...
How do you want to be forseen?

I've come to be satisfied of My journey.

At one moment...I thought I hadn't

So......So fucking what?
My life isn't by The Book;

Nope...don't have the 4 sided brick home,
Nor.... the white picket fence,
Ok...I do have the flowered garden though!
Nope...the 3 kids with consecutive ages,
Nope...don't have 2 cars of the year,
Nor the husband...
Nor the stable boyfriend,
.....who full of bullshit whisper's...
I lOVE YOU.....just before hanging up the phone.

The Full-of-Shit Perfect couple....wouldn't you admit?

Rarely observed...
I have experienced though!
So engaged passionate bonding
does exsiste?!?!

But it appears unconscientiously,
...maybe it will never manifest 
itself in one's-life,.

You know something about me?
I've been there ...Fucking sad....
Being there almost killed me.
I felt I just died...
I lost ME...I lost my SOUL
I was a dead humain living being....
I thought that was what life was.
My Life Sentence.

It took me years to get where I am now.
...some would think I was a selfess spoided
...just not capble of appreciating
 this perfect happiness of a life.

I've come to be able to seme my own garden...
To live the life that makes ME vibe....
I am canalizing this vibe in the best way I can.

Why...?....because I made a choice too...
That's Why!


L'illusion de la liberte.
Est-ce que c'est si excictant?
Touche par un niveau de douleur....

S'accorde une faveur extremement speciale.
Queques choses de l'au-dela!

Je suis coutume de vivre a l'extremite.
Ressentir une passion proche de la folie...
                                  ...une grandeur veritable de quelques choses
                                  ...d'une sincerite bouleversante.
                                  ...avec foi en soi.
Souvent j'ai ressenti les souffances de telles sentiments.

Malheureusement c'est mon souffle....
                               c'est mon drive...
                               c'est mon capacite pour moi de lacher prise.

Mysterieux ..hmmmm

L'intensite sur moment est d'une richesse!
Oui aussi d'un extreme laideur pour un cerveau rationelle...
                                                                                        .... j'avoue!!!!!

Il faut prendre tout simplement ses lecons de vie.....
Mysterieux, Grave, Grandiose, Beau,
Le chemins vers la lumiere, Franc, Magnifique,
Une gymnastique, Vibrant, Clair et Transparante,
Intrigue, Une folle intensite, Without any Doubt,
Une veritable ouvriere de Beaute, D'un immensite,
Something with SHARED-TRUST and CARING for
each other......

Je recherche ceci en Amour.... serait aussi mon meilleur AMI!!!!!

C'est le success pour un vie de couple heureux je crois......