I clutch my sheets tightly to my chin.
Growling anxiously;
''I don't want to get up!''
Everyday I preferred to huddle in my blankets.
Lids-shut not to eye-witness day-light.
It's those brutal Demons again.
Knocking and knocking every darn night.
Vibration like noisy-thunder to my body!
Days-up and days-down,
Desperately I question it's necessity?
I've discovered that my brain could be my true enemy!
To my ear-drums only to sting me like a bubble-bee.
And ''OUCH'' again for those tears that began
with a whisper of-some-sort.
Painful and torturous to my thoughts.
Suddenly, one day when life knocks you down,
you land on your back instead of your head!
Eye-balls half popped-out,
you'll see that fade-light.
It's not as dark anymore.
Oh, my Angels must be near-by.
I can hear a murmur...
That there isn't any big secret in life.
Heaven-and-Earth aren't mine.
And be-that-as it may.....
Things will continue to come crashing-down!
Whether I like it or not!
To consider that there still is alot
of learning to do....
And that till my last breath!